"FINALLY REVEALED: The secrets to building your own solar and wind power generators for less than $200. Keep reading to discover how you can save thousands and go green at the same time..."
"Don't pay for your electricity any longer...
Instead, the power company will pay YOU!"
From the DIY workshop of Michael Harvey
Renewable energy enthusiasts
and creator of Earth4Energy.com
July 3, 2008
Hi, my name is Michael and I'm going to help YOU reduce your power bill by 80% or even eliminate it completely.Not only that, if you create more energy than you use, your power company will actually pay you! After 15 years in the renewable energy industry I know what works and I know how you can start saving money.
Michael Harvey
f you are interested in learning exactly how to generate power and reduce your bill then this is the perfect resource for you! With the ever increasing costs of living, there is no better time than right now to stop throwing money out the window and start generating our own electricity.
Why pay $1000's for solar or wind power when you can build your own
professional system for less than $200?! (in your own backyard)
That's right, I am going to teach you everything you need to know about producing your own electricity using solar and wind power. With my complete step-by-step setup fully illustrated manual + easy to follow video instructions you will be able to create renewable energy in your very own backyard!
Let me ask you this question? Why don't you have solar or wind power at home yet? Is it because you think its too expensive to setup?
What if I told you that you can build your own solar panel or windmill for $200 or less!? It's true! After extensive testing I have now made these plans available to everybody worldwide!
I have a great passion for the environment and I want as many people as possible to start generating their own electricity. My goal is to get your home running on free, renewable energy - Starting today...
After 15 years of industry experience I thought it was time to share the secrets of solar power. The biggest secret; It's easy to make quality solar panels for a fraction of retail price! While I do have a lot of experience I realise that most people don't know the first thing about making solar panels.
That's why I have written my manual in simple, easy-to-read English, with clear illustrations that will guide you through the whole process. My manual was created with the complete novice in mind so I will basically hold your hand through the build and installation process.
After writing my manual I wanted to know if "the average person" could generate their own power simply by following my guide. I set out to find my test subjects who wanted to "go green" and found 11 people who knew nothing about generating power. I was very happy to see that all of my test subjects were able to generate enough electricity to power their household appliances!
The solar panels and wind generators that my members created look amazing!
Remember, these members knew absolutely nothing about creating energy.
If they can create renewable energy, than anybody can!
Take a look below at a few people who have used the Earth4Energy design plans to create their own electricity and are saving money every single day:
"...I am really happy with the results"
Hi Michael,
How are you? I have attached a picture of my latest solar panel. It's an 80 watt panel and I have used an alloy frame. It took me a couple of weekends to make and I am really happy with the results. I also put my laptop in front of the panel with the earth4energy web site on it for you. :)
Let me know what you think!
Frank B.
diymasterfrank@xxxxx.com - January 10 2009
Age - 51, Location - TX, US
"...Very simple to follow"
Hi Michael,
I really enjoyed watching the videos about joining the solar cells. Very simple to follow. Good job!
Thank you,
Adam Sands
s.adam1@xxxxx.com - October 20 2008
Age - 27, Location - CA, US
"I made my first windmill on the weekend..."
Thanks for the detailed guide. I made my first windmill on the weekend and I am just letting you know its going great!
I could not have done it without your detailed diagrams.
All I need to do now is to paint the end of the blades like the one on your web site and fix it properly to my roof.
I am actually going to make a few of these so I can eliminate my power bill completely!
Thanks again,
Mark Monarsh
mmonarsh@xxxxxxx.com - July 11 2008
Age - 41, Location - NSW, AU
"...We have already noticed how much money we can save"
Hiya Michael,
I just wanted to drop a line to say thanks. My wife and I have been looking for good information on renewable energy solutions for some time now because of the recent price increase in traditional energy sources. After receiving your Earth4Enregy guide we made our own solar panel grid, and it is giving us more than enough energy to power our household appliances. Our next step is to build a wind powered system for those cloudy days. We have already noticed how much money we can save!
Thanks again for giving us the know how to help make this a better world for our kids and grand kids.
haggett@xxxxxxxxx.ca - July 8 2008
Age - 47, Location - ON, CA
There are now thousands of happy Earth4Energy members worldwide who are saving money every time the sun rises and every time the wind blows!
Here at Earth4Energy we have created a complete step-by-step kit so that you can setup your own renewable energy system in your backyard for less than $200! Our manual and videos will literally hold your hand every step of the way and our testimonials prove just that!
Windmills and solar panels can cost thousands but with our simple setup kit you can make your own for a fraction of the price.
7 reasons to create your own power at home
You will save hundreds of dollars every time you get your power bill!
This is great for our environment and your children will thank you for it.
With our complete instructions this makes for a fun at home project.
When you can make renewable power for less than $200, why wouldn't you!
You will be able to spend your savings on more important things
Knowing that you are doing your part to conserve our planet feels great!
My fully illustrated instructions make this a very simple job for anybody!
Build your own solar power system
You can build a great looking solar panel for as little as $200 + Most of these parts can be found around your home or at the hardware store!
You can use this system to power up basically any appliance you have in your home: fridge, washing machine, computer, TVs, lights.
Moreover, you can even take this with yourself when you go camping, because it's highly portable.
The Earth4Energy DIY kit has full instructions and now comes with video lessons to help you build your first solar panel in a weekend.
Knowing how to create your own solar energy will give you the freedom to go fully off grid. Or you can stay connected and get paid by the electric company when your meter runs backwards.
Build your own wind power system
Wind power is a great backup for when you have long periods of cloudy days. So it makes sense to build a wind generator too!
A few cheap items from your hardware store and a couple of hours can give you free green energy from your very own windmill.
I have written my instructions in very simple english so that anybody can build this power producing windmill.
This windmill can power your household appliances and you can make it for less than $200! In fact, you can build my windmill for as little as $100 by using my secret methods that very few people know about!
Not only will you easily make this on your own, it will actually look like a professional built it! This really is THE guide to making a quality windmill. In fact, a few Earth4Energy members are actually selling their homemade windmills for a nice profit!
Store your energy... For free!
On top of all the quality material already in the Earth4Energy kit I am also going to reveal to you where to get your batteries for free. These are high quality deep cycle batteries which are perfect for storing energy produced by your alternative energy system.
In the photo to the left you can see a couple of the batteries I am talking about.
Buying these new can cost you up to $600! But with my secret's you can get these for free just like I do!. You will also learn my secret places to get all the parts you need to build your solar and wind power generator which will really save you a ton of money!
Here are just a few of the topics covered in the Earth4Energy manual:
What to do before you start - Without this information your whole attempt to create useable electricity could be pointless (very important)
How exactly does solar and wind power work - learn the whole process. I bet this will be very valuable to you!
Build your own solar power generator - Complete setup instructions with easy to follow illustrations! Also, build your own solar panels to save extra money! (easy to follow diagrams)
Build your own wind power generator - You can generate useable energy with a home made windmill for under $200! + it will be very professional looking! (complete with diagrams)
Free bonus chapter - How can you reduce your oil dependence? - This is a real money saver! Get started on this right away!
Free bonus chapter - Ethanol as a viable energy source - How you can use ethanol and save thousands!
+ there are many more topics covered in this easy to follow manual!
What's in the Earth4Energy video series?
Part 1 - Learn how to tab your own cells just like the pro's!
Part 2 - Learn how to string your cells together correctly for maximum power.
NEW - Our 15 minute step-by-step video to making high quality windmill blades!
The Earth4Energy video series is a brand new part of the Earth4Energy kit. These videos have been designed to help the complete novice.
If you have no idea how to make your own solar panels than this video series will be priceless to you. As you are watching the videos you can pause/rewind to certain parts to refresh your memory.
How much are you set to save?
Solar and wind power systems cost $3000 and the price just rises from there. I am handing you the information you need to get started on your own system for a fraction of the price.
Once you have built and setup your alternate power supply you are going to save hundreds off your electricity bill.
On top of the electricity savings think about this. - When you install your renewable energy system in your home you will increase the value of your home by thousands! This is a great incentive for you to get started right away.
The cost of living is getting higher by the day with no end in sight. Wages have essentially stagnated. The housing crisis is nowhere near over and everyone is looking to cut costs. On top of all this your electric bill is eating up $1000 every year! Just imagine that expense completely gone or significantly reduced. What would you do with the extra money?
Pay off your credit cards?
Take a vacation each and every year?
Purchase a little bit of luxury like a Plasma TV?
Go on a much deserved shopping spree?
Invest in a retirement account or in your child's college fund?
I have personally seen other guides that have been made available online and I found them very confusing and poorly written. In fact, the wiring instructions were completely wrong in some guides and could become very dangerous! Earth4Energy has been put to the test by thousands and - It Works!
Together we can make a difference
I think we all need to be responsible for the energy that we use. Don't you agree? We simply cannot go on living like we are. We need to make a change and we need to make it now.
1: Join the Earth4Energy club.
2: Download the DIY kit, watch the videos and read the manual.
3: Start building your solar panel and windmill.
All you need to do then is wait for your next electric bill and enjoy the savings.
**Act now and start saving today**
The Earth4Energy DIY kit has proven itself again and again. With thousands of happy Earth4Energy users it's time for you to get in on the action.
After you order you will get instant access to my manual and videos. There is no need to wait for shipping and you can get the information you want in seconds from now! Get started below:
Limited time 50% discount
By investing in the Earth4Energy kit today you
will save 50% off the regular price of $99.99.
Get your copy today for just $49.97
Discount disclaimer: Discount only available for customers who order before the offer expires.
- Order now at the sale price -
You are about to get instant access to all the plans and instructions you need to create electricity in your own backyard.
Your membership will allow you to reduce or even completely eliminate your electricity bill. Get access to the DIY renewable energy answers for just $99.99 $49.97.
To get started, simply click here to order at this very limited time price.
The Earth4Energy manual is in PDF format and the video series is in flash format. You can watch flash videos directly through our video player with the click of a button.
Still not sure if Earth4Energy is right for you?
Consider this: IF you simply sit back and do nothing you are destined to pay more than you should for electricity. Here is the real solution to reduce your electric bill in easy to follow english.
If your not technically inclined and you think it's going to be too hard than please don't worry. Our video series is very easy to follow as I explain everything during the build process. Here are a few comments we have received over the months from people who thought they could never do it.
"Thanks for adding the videos Mike. They are very helpful" - Sally C.
"Finally, somebody has taken homemade energy seriously!" - Wayne J.
"This is simple and best of all it really works. Your instructions are the best I've found" - Carlysle A.
+ hundreds of other fantastic feedback from new do it yourself'ers
Now accepting PayPal
A bonus just for ordering today
For those who are ready to get started on their green energy
project today, the following bonus is for you.
Bonus # 1 - Special parts list with links to everything you need.
Finding all of the parts you need to build your solar and wind systems can be a daunting task, but not anymore.
We have listed all of the specialized parts in an easy to read spreadsheet.
With all of the parts at the tip of your fingers you wont have to spend hours searching the net.
Bonus # 2 - IRS TAX rebate forms.
This special bonus will essentially get your complete Earth4Energy system up and running for nothing at all.
Don't spend hours searching through the IRS web site or playing phone tag trying to get the right person. We have included all the forms for you ready to get the tax rebate your owed by law.
Simply print, fill out the details and send the form.
Bonus # 3 - Free updates for life.
This is a fantastic bonus that you are really going to benefit from. By joining today you will instantly become a member of the "free updates for life club".
This means when we add content to our books or add new videos, you will get instant access.
All you need to do is visit your private members page and all the new content will be ready for you, all for free.
Order now to take advantage of our sale price and start your new green lifestyle. Set an example by joining the Earth4Energy group. Remember, by ordering now you will also receive the above bonus's.
Earth4Energy has proven itself to thousands of happy customers and we proudly
stand behind our product. Safely order today with our Iron-Clad Guarantee.
Thank you for reading and I hope you decide to get involved in the green energy movement. It's exciting, rewarding and can save you a lot of money.
To our green future,
Michael Harvey
Renewable energy enthusiasts
and creator of Earth4Energy.com
P.S - Earth4Energy has fast become the most popular guide for homemade renewable energy. I have to tell you now that the sale price of $49.97 will not last forever. If you are looking for ways to help save our planet than I urge you to get in while its cheap.
P.P.S - I have also included a special gift for you in the members area. This is my "thank you" for doing your part for our environment. Please make sure you check it out after you join!
P.P.P.S - We offer high quality after sale support. All Earth4Energy members get VIP 12 hour email response time. Answers to your emails are highly researched and we strive to help you with your project where ever possible.
"Well worth the money"
Hi Michael,
I must say your video series is fantastic. I had no idea how to join the cells before but now I can make my own solar panels. Well worth the money!
Thanks for the quality book and videos.
info@xxxxxxxxx.ca - October 21 2008
Age - 24, Location - GB
Remember: Join now to take advantage of our sale price + receive our free updates for life program!
Get access to the Earth4Energy members area now [discounted price]
CAUTION: Please be aware of copycat products. Earth4Energy is the original manual for your DIY renewable
energy solutions. Earth4Energy is the number 1 product for a reason - We put in more effort!
~ Michael Harvey ~
Copyright www.Earth4Energy.com 2008 Swerd Publishing
This page is protected by copyscape. Do not copy.
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